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CTV.BY: Удивительная коллекция фарфоровых животных Терезы Труханович

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"Яблочко". Балет Игоря Моисеева.

Государственный академический ансамбль народного танца имени Игоря Моисеева.
Фрагмент флотской сюиты «День на корабле» — «Яблочко».
Традиционная народная музыка
Хореография: И. Моисеев

Танец представляет собой фрагменты из жизни моряков, их дух, веселый нрав.
Instagram — www.instagram.com/moiseyev_ballet/
Сайт — www.moiseyev.ru
Группа вконтакте — vk.com/moiseyev
Facebook — www.facebook.com/IgorMoiseyevBallet/

Песни 80-х (Пугачёва, Антонов, Боярский, Ротару)

Первый выпуск музыкального видео-сборника песен отечественной эстрады 80-х годов.

00:00 Интро
00:14 Алла Пугачёва и Кристина Орбакайте — А знаешь, всё ещё будет
03:23 Юрий Антонов — 20 лет спустя
06:54 Михаил Боярский — Всё пройдёт
10:53 Женя Белоусов — Девочка моя, синеглазая
15:47 София Ротару — Луна
20:03 ВИА «Весёлые ребята» — Бродячие артисты
23:42 Игорь Корнелюк — Билет на балет
27:48 Ласковый май — Седая ночь
33:59 ЛЮБЭ — Атас
37:05 ВИА «Земляне» — Трава у дома

Всё авторство песен и видео указаны в самом видео и в титрах.
Видео было создано исключительно в развлекательных целях.

#Ретро #80е #СоветскаяЭстрада #Восьмидесятые #СтарыеПесни #Ностальгия

Biggest Single GOLD NUGGET Ever UNEARTHED on the Island || RECORD BREAKING!

Ask us on our Official Facebook: bit.ly/31t6jmf
Gold Nugget Explorer Episode 17 (All Series Episodes Links Below)

***Note: This is not the exact METAL DETECTOR we use on the video, BUT this is what were using on our latest episodes and its A LOT BETTER than the one on the video.

(Amazon Affiliate Link: amzn.to/34VNusa).

Please do note that we are not sponsored by MineLab.**

— Episode Synopsis:

This episode covers Theas best finds of the week, this is the first week after returning to the Rivers where natural water springs are abundant and clean.

Unlike near the volcanic crater, this area isnt much of a hassle to mine, only constant problem we keep on encountering is the flash floods.

Sometimes, it doesnt even rain in our area but a flash flood would suddenly ravish loads of water and boulders. This might be because of the almost constant rains in the higher surrounding mountains.

When this occurs, it is very dangerous to stay near the river, this also makes the rivers unexplorable for a day or two.

This week though, we got lucky with only few light rains here and there.

But the best thing this week, or probably ever on this island, is Theas record-breaking finds on this episode.

It seems like the women in the team are highly favored by the river.

— Some facts about us and the island:

Based on local folklore, the island is pretty much just a big active volcano that last erupted some 370 years ago. This is a fact and verified based on historical records.

But what remains a folklore is the story that the volcano slew some molten gold on its main outlet, together with what they called, the hardglass, which is believed to be diamonds by the prospectors.

This same story is known throughout the island and possibly the whole country. but very few believe this, and the government seems to be hiding this to harvest the gold ores after they get rid of the rebels.
— Series Episodes Links.
⏯ Episode 1: youtu.be/2MpGifjLTyU
⏯ Episode 2: youtu.be/64jZ3ZTnloQ
⏯ Episode 3: youtu.be/hIBZ6yQgo3A
⏯ Episode 4: youtu.be/ytAC2NadPkg
⏯ Episode 5: youtu.be/TmUWJwm2Xq0
⏯ Episode 6: youtu.be/GVYNTvJWQ54
⏯ Episode 7: youtu.be/5WGZgO8dQ_4
⏯ Episode 8: youtu.be/30dDZIuH4e4
⏯ Episode 9: youtu.be/pxI7l7BUQLM
⏯ Episode 10: youtu.be/hqlRI-v6ryE
⏯ Episode 11: youtu.be/k9GeTB5EEKo
⏯ Episode 12: youtu.be/gfi77y0JMvc
⏯ Episode 14 :https://youtu.be/3qisyaTuXds
⏯ Episode 15 :https://youtu.be/ywYwm1CoXyI
⏯ Episode 16 :https://youtu.be/bd-wED91BCc
— Team Update:
Zoey (Filipino) ~ Still at her home country (probably busy enjoying her finds). No updates for her return, although she still request for our footages for her version of the documentary series.

Thea (Ukrainian) ~ We both went back to the island together. Episode 4 will be pretty much Theas since she pushed it to be early to show our best finds of the series.

Wendy (South African) ~ New girl on team. Has knowledge on refining the nuggets. Went home after her second expedition which she found a fist-size nugget.

Javier (Mexican) ~ An occasional colleague.

Robb (Trumplandia) ~ Just enjoying each and every second on the island. The narrator guy for episode 1, 3 and this episode 4

— #goldnugget #goldhunting #goldnuggetriver

Finding A 103 Year Old Jacket In An Abandoned Mine!

Thank you so much for the support for the channel and town! To see more photos of town and the finds from the mines, follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/brentwunderwood/

In this video, I explore a remote mine at Cerro Gordo with very difficult access. The exploration was over 2 days, as the first day I saw fabric and materials further down in the mine that required more support. I have to say, this was the coolest find Ive ever had in a mine!

Im getting much more comfortable exploring the mines, so expect many more videos to come!

Subscribe to this channel to follow along as I live in the abandoned mining town of Cerro Gordo, and try to bring it back to life.

To provide ongoing support to the American Hotel rebuilding efforts, check out my bonus content on Patreon. Every dollar from that goes directly into rebuilding the American Hotel and projects around the town. Thank you! www.patreon.com/ghosttownliving


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