Real vs Fake Levis 501 jeans. How to spot fake Levis

#levis #levis501 #levi

Product Information:
Counterfeiting is definitely not an instance where imitation is the highest form of flattery. Protecting trademarks is not just about protecting business interests; its about protecting consumers and the health and safety of the people who make clothing around the world.

The iconic and trademarked Levis red tab (including the red color) and the familiar arcuate or batwing stitching that grace just about every pair of Levis jeans have come to stand for more than just well-made product. Now, Levis is often faced with counterfeiters who want to make money by taking advantage of the goodwill, reputation and quality associated the Levis brand.

There are so many variations and deceptive production tactics used by counterfeiters to specifically deceive you, the best advice is to buy authentic, quality Levis from authorized retailers.

Counterfeit products are often listed on eBay and sold to unsuspecting buyers as «genuine» or «100% authentic» items at prices close to retail.

Find the red Levis tab on the back right pocket of your jeans. This red tab is present on almost all pairs of Levi’s and has become a well-recognized icon all around the world. It is a good starting point for identifying Levi’s Jeans as authentic or fake.
All genuine pairs have the tab, however, on a few styles of jeans, the tab may be a different color, like green, or yellow, or white.
Image titled Spot Fake Levis Step 2
Ensure that the stitching around the tab is clean and consistent. If it is messy, or looks tampered with, these may be a fake pair. A lot of fake manufacturers un-stitch the denim of regular jeans and sew the tab in to make them look like genuine Levi’s

Look out for ‘The Big E’ on the tab. A capital E in Levi’s is only present in pre-1971 pairs of jeans. If a pair is claimed to be from after 1971 and has the ‘Big E’, that indicates that it is a fake pair.[1]
1 in every 100 pairs will only have a ‘registered mark’ instead of Levi’s sign. This is because they have to change the ribbon on the machine and run through a label without Levi’s stitching on it

Feel the patch’s texture and softness. The material of an authentic patch will have a little bit of texture and feel soft and worn. The material shouldn’t feel too smooth, or too hard. A lot of fake manufacturers use cheap leather or a substitute. If the patch feels like it is covered, or has a plastic feel to it, this may indicate that your jeans are counterfeit.

Check the overall build quality of the jeans. Levi’s has a very high standard for quality control. If there are any faults in the stitching, or on any of the metal work, chances are they are fake, or they may need to be returned to Levi’s for inspection.

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#ножи #русскиеножи #sicac2019
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Выбор походного ножа

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В общем Mora 2000 выберу как нож в стандартном недельном походе с рюкзаком в группе. Для путешествий и командировок с небольшими заездами в лесную зону я лучше возьму Vicrotinox Forester Clip. Просто прогуляться в поход выходного дня в лес на день (и не имея спец задач) скорее всего лучше взять Cold Steel Finn Wolf.

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