
How Japanese Denim Is Made | MR PORTER

Kurashiki, a historic city in Japan’s Okayama Prefecture, on the lip of the Inland Sea, is about as far as you can get from the American Wild West. For the uninitiated, then, it would seem an unlikely place for MR PORTER’s in-house brand Mr P. to turn to in search of that most American article of clothing: a pair of jeans. But that’s exactly what we did. Watch this short film to find out why.

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Levis Vintage Clothing 501-1890. What Makes These Jeans The Original 501s?

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Levis Vintage Clothing is the vintage, or heritage part of Levi Straus and Co. This part of the brand is dedicated to producing collections inspired by the long history of the brand and the vintage pieces in their archive. At the heart of their lineup are a series of jeans representing all the major evolutionary steps of the blue jean. Starting from the very first 501 all the way back in 1890.

Levis have been around a long time and were doing business in San Francisco long before they decided that rivets and denim would be the best thing since sliced bread.

They came up with the blueprint for the blue jean in the 1870s and patented the idea to rivet the stress points of the workers waist overalls (what we all know as blue jeans) they were producing. 15 years later in 1890, the patent expired and other companies could start using rivets on their clothing too.

By this time, Levi Straus and Co had become synonymous with quality workwear and had a fair few garments to their name. To make it easier for the retailers to order the pieces, they assigned lot numbers to each item. Clothing made to the highest quality standards and using the finest denim were given a lot number 5 at the beginning. 501 for the waist overall (jeans), 506 for the blousen (denim jacket) and so on.

So it was in 1890 that the first pair of Levis 501s were born.

They were a little different from what we know as the blue jean today. For one thing, they only had 4 pockets. The 5th would not be added until 1901. There were also no belt loops, pants in these days were kept up by suspenders. The denim was a lot lighter than we are used to as well, weighing in at a lightweight 9oz. There are a few things that we would recognise, such as the two-horse patch and the gull arcuate.

The Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1890 jeans are a fascinating step along the way to the iconic garment we call the blue jean and I am really excited to see how these break-in. Stay tuned.

Everything You Need to Know About Levi’s’ Two Horse, Red Tab, and Batwing Logos

From the iconic Two Horse leather patch to the instantly recognizable Batwing, here’s everything you need to know about the evolution of Levi’s’ logos.

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I Found Selvedge Denim In The Thrift / Cheap Thrift Haul To Sell On eBay For Profit What Is | Gustin

Been looking for this selvage construction characteristic for awhile. Still havent found vintage selvedge denim… Big E Levis… But I found some modern selvedge jeans at the thrift. And that led me learn some more about them. Hopefully there are other beginners like me that will find this useful. I found the batch number tag on these Gustin Selvedge Denim Jeans particularly informative. I was able to discover that some of these Jeans are made from Japanese selvedge denim also some of them are cone mills selvedge denim. Anyways an interesting construction detail that I have only recently started looking for. I enjoy this type of thing. I hope you do too. Best!
Self Edge Selvage Selvedge Denim Found In The Thrift / Cheap Thrift Haul To Sell On eBay For Profit / What Is Selvedge / Gustin Raw Selvedge Denim Jeans Review

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